Fernie businesswoman keeps A Clear View funds rising

Her constant energy and commitment to the A Clear View ~ digital mammography campaign is keeping Fernie’s Stephanie Rogers busy these days.

  • Aug. 2, 2012 12:00 p.m.

Her constant energy and commitment to the A Clear View ~ digital mammography campaign is keeping Fernie’s Stephanie Rogers busy these days.

Not only is the inspiring entrepreneur (owner of Stephanie’s Glass & Art Studio) dedicating much of her time to her business; it’s her volunteer efforts to support East Kootenay Foundation for Health’s major capital campaign that is inspiring.

Earlier this year Stephanie created the ‘I’m a Breast Buddy’ Ski/Board-a-thon event held at the Fernie Alpine Resort that witnessed almost $25,000 in pledges raised for the imaging equipment.

Over the past several weeks, Steph’s Breast Buddy spirit is back again with her latest creative venture, the Clothesline Art Sale and Auction.

Thanks to many Elk Valley and Crowsnest Pass contributing artisans the sale and auction received some outstanding pieces and although a major rain storm on July 15 kept buyers at bay the event helped the mammography campaign with an additional $518 to the cause.

Remaining unsold pieces are not being forgotten and many will be making their debut  (for auction or sale) at other Clear View fundraising events in the East Kootenay.

For more information contact Donna Grainger, EKFH’s Executive Director at 250 489-6481 or toll-free 1-877-489-6481.

The Free Press