A Mountain Market shopper carries home a fresh bunch of locally grown Swiss chard. Photo Submitted

A Mountain Market shopper carries home a fresh bunch of locally grown Swiss chard. Photo Submitted

Fernie Mountain Market moves online

Fresh produce and artisan items will remain accessible online throughout the summer and beyond

  • May. 5, 2020 12:00 a.m.

With the summer months approaching and fresh produce cravings heightening, the Fernie Mountain Market has ensured continued service by transitioning online. Expected to go live early May and incorporating all interested vendors, the online market will allow for continued access to fresh, locally grown produce and handmade artisan items.

According to Dawn Deydey, Fernie Mountain Market manager, while farmers markets have been declared an essential service by the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), the Fernie Mountain Market that typically takes place in July and August has implemented various changes to their regular operations. Following directions outlined by the BCCDC as well as local health authorities and vendors, the Fernie Mountain Market is expanding to include an online platform to continue ensuring the availability of their products for the local community.

“Farmers markets play a key role in many communities’ food supply and support the livelihood of many farmers and their families. The online Mountain Market will allow customers to choose local products, explore local farmers and artisan vendors, and shop from multiple vendors with an easy to use, secure one cart checkout. Vendors will then deliver their products right to the customer’s doorstep,” said Deydey.

Accessible via their upcoming website will be listings of all available local products. After creating an account and receiving a subsequent confirmation email, clients are free to scroll through the items, adding desired products to their online shopping carts. Upon checking out, all ordered items will be delivered to the customer’s door via the farmer or artisan themselves. The Fernie Mountain Market asks that all their vendors deliver weekly, however delivery dates, locations, and shipping charges will vary depending on the vendor.

Currently, the website is still under construction. Once up and running, mainly food based items will be offered, with other artisan vendors joining the online initiative as the season progresses. At the moment, the online Fernie Mountain Market includes vendors registered from Fernie, Sparwood, Elko, Jaffray, Bull River, Wycliffe, Cranbrook, Kimberley, Skookumchuck and Creston. This being said, they are always accepting new vendors. According to Deydey, the Fernie Mountain Market hopes to keep their online services into the future, despite possible future relaxations in COVID-19 restrictions.

“We are excited to offer locally grown products outside of our regular market season” stated Deydey. “Our vendors offer fresh, nutritious, safe, healthy and locally grown food from local farmers and many small businesses, making local food and artisan goods more accessible to our community, and providing an economic boost.”

The Free Press