Fernie SAR used all-terrain vehicles to access the injured mountain biker. Photo Submitted

Fernie SAR used all-terrain vehicles to access the injured mountain biker. Photo Submitted

Fernie SAR responds to two calls this weekend

The calls reported an injured mountain biker and an abandoned kayak

  • May. 31, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Fernie Search and Rescue (SAR) was activated in response to two calls this past weekend.

The first call was made on the morning of May 30, involving an injured mountain biker on the Swine Flu trail. The rider suffered injuries to his shoulder and chest from impact with a tree. Assisting the British Columbia Ambulance Service (BCAS), two SAR technicians used all terrain vehicles to access the patient, later transferring him to the BCAS.

The second call was made about an abandoned kayak found under the West Fernie Bridge. Just after SAR arrived on scene, the owner of the kayak called the RCMP to report they were safe.

With response times longer than usual due to COVID-19, Fernie SAR reminds the community to take extra caution on trails and water.

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