An example of the sleds and costumes on display at last year’s event. File Photo

An example of the sleds and costumes on display at last year’s event. File Photo

Fernie Snowmobile Association hosts busy weekend for sledders

The Corbin Vintage Poker Rally and the Sloth Poker Rally take place this Family Day Weekend

  • Feb. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Family Day Weekend will be a busy one for the Fernie Snowmobile Association (FSA), with two events being hosted by the club on February 15 and 16.

The first event will be the annual Corbin Vintage Poker Rally, where sledders are encouraged to bring their vintage sleds out of retirement. The theme of this year’s event is Mardis Gras so make sure to dress to impress, since this popular event always brings out the best costumes.

Although there are six categories for awards (Hard Luck, Oldest Sled, Best Vintage, Little Ripper, Best Dressed, and Dangler’s Choice) only riders on vintage sleds are eligible to win an award. That being said, all sleds are welcome to take part in the poker rally. After the event, the FSA will host a bonfire, silent auction and chili dinner at the Corbin staging area.

Registration for the event begins at 10 a.m. and the awards will be presented around 3:30 p.m.

The fun for snowmobile lovers doesn’t stop there, however.

On Sunday, the FSA is hosting the Sloth Poker Rally, another fun event for sledding enthusiasts. This ride is open to all families, kids and current day riders and will follow a 100 kilometre loop, with door prizes, food, a bonfire and music for after the rally. Registration for this event is also at 10 a.m. at the Corbin staging area.

Both events taking place on the weekend are poker rallies in which riders purchase poker “hands” at the trailhead. They then collect numbers at each of the checkpoints and then compare hands at the finish line. Whichever rider has the best poker hand wins. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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