Fernie splash park opening postponed

Originally set to open Labour Day weekend, an official grand opening for the Fernie splash park is still in the works.

Originally set to open Labour Day weekend, an official grand opening for the Fernie splash park is still in the works.

Cam Mertz, Director of Leisure Services for the City of Fernie, said he’s anticipating construction to be complete by September 24, but there is still no concrete date for when the park will be open to the public.

“I’ve been in talks this week with the project manager and she hasn’t been able to provide a firm update on when the substantial completion will be,” said Mertz.

There have been a few construction delays that have contributed to the park not opening on the date originally scheduled. Mertz commented, “It’s just coordinating the complexities of the project at this point, but at least we’re going to have it done properly at the end of the day,”

While the goal is to have a grand opening in the last week of September, Mertz said there is a possibility the splash park won’t be open until next spring.

The Free Press