A refugee family from Liberia arrived at the Canadian Rockies International Airport on Friday afternoon. The family is happy to start their life in Fernie.

A refugee family from Liberia arrived at the Canadian Rockies International Airport on Friday afternoon. The family is happy to start their life in Fernie.

Fernie welcomes refugee family from Liberia

Fernie Friends of Refugees welcomed the family of 11 from Liberia at the Canadian Rockies International Airport on Friday afternoon.

After three years of work, Fernie Friends of Refugees welcomed a  family from Liberia.

Brittany Loberg and Kimberley Barden, along with other members of Fernie Friends of Refugees welcomed the family of 11 at the Canadian Rockies International Airport on Friday afternoon. The family had travelled from Ghana, as they were living there while waiting to come to Canada.

Fernie Friends of Refugees have been trying to bring Edith and her family over and they were the first refugees the organization sponsored. Edith is at the head of the family and has eight children and two grandchildren, mothered by her eldest daughter, Tina. All of them were able to come with her to Fernie.

Upon arrival, the family looked happy in matching outfits. They were friendly and posed for pictures before driving to their new home in Fernie.

Thus far, Loberg says the family is transitioning well to their new life in Fernie.

“So far they are loving being here, are very eager to start school, join sports teams and gain employment,” she said. “Fernie has proved itself in the past to be a welcoming and supportive place for refugees to rebuild their lives.  We are very optimistic that they will thrive in our community.”

This is the third refugee family Fernie Friends of Refugees have welcomed to Fernie since their inception in three years ago.

The Free Press