Ferry consultation process moving forward

  • Aug. 3, 2012 3:00 p.m.

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has hired a Vancouver-based consulting company to undertake a public process about possible cuts to ferry service. The successful bidder, Kirk and Co. Consulting Ltd, was one of nine companies that responded to a request for proposals posted in June. The company has done similar consultations with clients including BC Children’s Hospital and the City of Vancouver. The consultation process, which will include both on-line and in-person engagement activities, will begin later this summer and is expected to be finished by the end of the year. Ministry of Transportation spokesperson Kate Trotter said it’s too early to say exactly what Kirk and Co. is planning to do and which communities they will be visiting. The company has just signed the contract and is now working to develop a consultation plan. The consultation process is aimed at finding ways for the ferry service to run more efficiently.

Haida Gwaii Observer