Ferry crew rescues woman

A woman jumped off the Cortes ferry Tuesday morning, but was saved thanks to the fast-acting crew

Two BC Ferries workers rescued a woman who jumped off the Cortes Island ferry Tuesday morning. According to BC Ferries spokesperson Deborah Marshall, two passengers witnessed the female passenger jump off the Tachek around 8:25 a.m. The boat was en route to Quadra Island.

They immediately alerted ferry staff who stopped the vessel and dispatched a two-person crew in the emergency response boat.

“They got her out in about 10 minutes – she was conscious and responsive,” said Marshall, who credited the crew and the emergency training they receive. “They did a fabulous job.”

The woman was taken directly to Heriot Bay on Quadra where an ambulance crew awaited. The Powell River Queen was also delayed for the ambulance which took the woman to Campbell River hospital. Her condition is unknown.


Campbell River Mirror