Fielding says she’s ready for a step into politics

CAROL FIELDING wants to convert her work that went toward one of the city’s most visible community initiatives into a political career.

  • Sep. 26, 2012 7:00 a.m.

CAROL FIELDING wants to convert her work that went toward one of the city’s most visible community initiatives into a political career.

Fielding was team leader of the Terrace is Kraft Hockeyville campaign that brought a NHL exhibition game here in 2009.

It’s one portion of her resume she says makes her the best person BC Liberals in Skeena can choose to defeat sitting NDP MLA Robin Austin in next spring’s provincial election.

Lesser known is her chairing of another local committee that was part of a network of provincial government groups providing money for local projects as part of the 2010 Winter Olympics.

The Kermodei Spirit of BC committee lobbied for money for renovations to George Little Park and resulted in Terrace being named a “celebration community” during the Olympic torch run.

“I’ve done a lot of work in the last couple of years and I think that’s helped prepared me,” said Fielding in what is her first bid for public elected office. “I feel like this is my next step.”

“My main reason for running is I have a passion for this area. I believe this riding, Terrace and Kitimat, are in a position for a huge economic upswing,” said Fielding.

“I think it’s our turn now and we need a strong voice on this down in Victoria.”

Fielding did acknowledge that the BC Liberal government is down in the polls, making her candidacy risky should she be nominated to run in next spring’s election. “But it is even riskier not do to this, in my mind,” Fielding said of seeking office.

Born in Nova Scotia, Fielding, 61, first came to Terrace in 1974 to visit a friend and stayed five years before moving to the Lower Mainland.

A shared interest in motorcycles turned an online friendship with Terrace resident Hans Kurth into a partnership with Kurth and Fielding returned in 2002.

Kurth, at Fielding’s side constantly during the Hockeyville period,  passed away in 2010 .

Fielding’s professional life in Terrace includes working being a casual, on-call employee with the Northern Savings Credit Union from 2004-2007 and working at MacCarthy Motors from 2009-2010.

She also spent a short period of time working for a company that was contracted out to provide various administrative and other services for Enbridge. That company was owned by Roger Harris, a former Enbridge vice-president. In 2010, Fielding was hired as the executive director of the Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce.

Terrace Standard