Sooke resident Joanne Warr turns 100

Sooke resident Joanne Warr turns 100

Fiesty, independent senior turns 100

Joanne Warr still takes care of herself and her home

An Ayre Manor resident celebrated one of the greatest milestones in life on Sept. 30.

Joanne Warr turned a 100 years old on Sunday, and by her side were family and friends to celebrate.

The grand occasion was marked with two birthday parties over the weekend, which followed a seniors’ trip to Coombs and Port Alberni.

“I’ll take the rest of the year to rest,” Warr jokingly stated, adding she was honoured people took the time to celebrate her birthday.

The senior, who doesn’t look a day over 70, has all of her own teeth, rarely visits the doctor and lives independently.

“I do all my own housework, and I cook,” she said. “That’s what keeps me young and strong and active.”

Housework for Warr, in her Ayre Manor cottage, is just about everything, including vacuuming, cleaning the window panes and washing the dishes.

The active senior spends her days doing her house work, shopping and going out with friends.

Up until last year, Warr even crocheted bed spreads to sell.

Neighbour Bertha Babies, 82, has known Warr for 20 years and recalled days when Warr would have a dinner plate ready for her with hearty, homestyle food after she returned home from work.

“She’s a wonderful lady,” Babies said. “She’s loved by everybody up there.”

Spry, with a good sense of humour, Warr said the secret to her youth and health is the freedom of being single.

“I don’t have a man to worry me to death,” Warr laughed.

“People say, ‘Joanne, do you have a boyfriend yet?’ and my answer is, ‘Do you know anyone who’s desperate?’

The Massachusettes native married her first husband at the age of 29, whom she remained married to for 23 years until his death.

The couple travelled around the United States for three years before she had her first and only child.

Warr arrived in Sooke in 1983, and has resided in Ayre Manor ever since.

“I would never leave (Sooke),” Warr said, adding she loves the West Coast.

When asked what Warr had planned for the next year, she stated she would relax in her recliner chair and enjoy game shows on television.

Sooke News Mirror