Fight against knotweed

The fight against knotweed began on the North Island this summer. $13,000 was spent on knotweed removal.

The fight against Knotweed began on the North Island this summer. According to Regional District of Mount Waddington Manager of Operations Patrick about $13,000 was spent on Knotweed removal. The RDMW had budgeted $5,000 to deal with Knotweed in Coal Harbour and Quatsino. “Private property owners in Coal Harbour and the Quatsino First Nation Reserve were treated where permission was provided,” said Donaghy. “Once residents in both communities understand the risks associated with knotweed, more often than not they want us to treat the feed on their land.  Knotweed on the road right of way is being funded by the Province,” he said. Donaghy said about $5,000 was spent on private property and about $8,000 was spent on Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) portions. “Most of that will come back to us,” Donaghy said. Some of the labour was sourced directly by the Quatsino First Nation and for next year the band will look into “funding that may be available to them exclusively.” According to Donaghy “Property owners should know that knotweed is listed as an Invasive Species and owners are responsible by law for removing it.” Early in 2016, the RDMW will be applying for a grant of $150,000 from the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation’s Job Creation Partnership for a 20 to 26-week knotweed eradication program. The RDMW had applied for funding from the same government body this year, but it was too late in the season to accommodate that many weeks of work.

North Island Gazette