Fighting to get in

One man may be facing criminal charges after a bizarre incident took place in Fort St. James over the weekend of Feb. 2.

One man may be facing criminal charges after a bizarre incident took place over the weekend of Feb. 2.

While RCMP were investigating a suspected impaired driver, the suspect’s brother began calling and insisting to be placed with his brother in custody.

The man then came to the detachment, again insisting he be put with his brother in custody.

When RCMP refused to take the man into custody, he announced to RCMP he was in the possession of drugs, for which the RCMP then took him into custody and searched him, finding no drugs in his possession.

The man then reportedly resisted arrest, and one RCMP member sustained a sprained thumb in the incident.

RCMP are now recommending charges of resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer and causing a disturbance against the man.

The man was under the influence at the time, and was placed in lockup, separately from his brother.


Caledonia Courier