Filberg Apple Press Party Saturday

  • Sep. 22, 2014 10:00 a.m.
Bring your fresh apples to the Filberg Park this week to help out with the annual Apple Press Party.

Bring your fresh apples to the Filberg Park this week to help out with the annual Apple Press Party.


Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park (FHLPA) is hosting its annual Apple Press Party on Saturday, Sept. 27 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Each year the Filberg Lodge partners with LUSH Valley’s fruit tree project volunteers to pick all the heritage fruit trees throughout the nine-acre park.

Got apples?

This year we are asking for fruit donations from the community to supplement our pick. Last year the community was very supportive, donating over 100 pounds of apples and pears. With all the apples and hard pears we make pasteurized fruit juice which we then sell as a major fundraiser for the Filberg Lodge. By picking, donating, and delivering your fruit bounty to the Filberg Park this week, you will be entered to win two four-day passes to the 2015 Filberg Festival.

The Filberg Apple Press Party festivities start at 11 a.m. outside the Filberg Lodge and will go until all the fruit has been pressed. Watch the Pressing Matter state-of-the-art mobile presser in action. In addition to the press we will have an everything-apple bake sale in the Tea House and in the lodge a display of local apples that have been identified by knowledgeable volunteers. Have questions about your fruit trees?  Stop by the lodge where master gardeners and local apple experts can answer your questions.

For more information visit


Comox Valley Record