The filing deadline for claims in a class-action lawsuit against the RCMP has been extended until January 2021. (Phil McLachlan photo)

The filing deadline for claims in a class-action lawsuit against the RCMP has been extended until January 2021. (Phil McLachlan photo)

Filing deadline in RCMP sexual-harassment class-action extended due to COVID-19

Plaintiffs now have until January 2021 to submit claims for up to $222,000

The filing deadline for claims in a class-action harassment lawsuit against the RCMP has been extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a notice on the website for Higgerty Law – one of the firms representing plaintiffs – claims by women who experienced gender- or sexual-orientation-based harassment or discrimination while working or volunteering for the RCMP between Sept. 19, 1974 and July 5, 2019 may now be submitted up until Jan. 12, 2021.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the claims period has been delayed,” the notice states. “Furthermore, the claims period may be further delayed if the Federal Court should decide to extend the current delay.”

The Federal Court approved the suit – estimated at $100 million – in March, enabling affected women who worked for the RCMP in non-policing roles during the noted time span to claim up to $222,000 each.

READ MORE: Federal court approves $100M RCMP sexual harassment class-action lawsuit

It was certified as a class action lawsuit on July 5, 2019. A settlement was announced days later and plaintiffs were initially given until Nov. 5, 2020 to submit a claim.

While claims started being accepted on May 10, “no decisions regarding compensation will be made earlier than July 16,” the Higgerty Law notice states.

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