The chapel in use for filming in Queens Bay

The chapel in use for filming in Queens Bay

Film crews touch down in area

Film crews were in Nelson on Sunday as production for a Christmas movie moved to the area.

  • Feb. 14, 2012 6:00 p.m.

Film crews were in Nelson on Sunday as production for a Christmas movie moved to the area.

The movie — A Christmas Miracle — is a movie of the week which is predominantly being filmed in Vancouver, but when they were in search of snow a location manager suggested Nelson.

“This one came because the location manager in Vancouver had been the location manager for The Tall Man and he convinced the producers that a big movie had been shot here and we have good crew and communities that are very open to having film and that’s how we bring them,” said Joanna Maratta, liaison for Kootenay Columbia Film.

The crew was in Nelson on Sunday filming in Uphill and on Baker Street.

The “circus” as Maratta described it, moved to Queens Bay on Monday where it will be for the rest of the week.

“They were having trouble and they needed a unique church,” she said. “We got them through and they settled on the church in Queens Bay which is where they are shooting for the rest of the week.”

A Christmas Miracle is part of a string of holiday movies which have been in production in the Kootenays.

“We’re getting upwards of four or five enquiries a month and there has been quite a bit more lately actually,” said Maratta. “I think when there is a need for something that they don’t have in another region.”

A Disney franchise movie Snow Pups set up camp in Fernie late in 2011.

“It was great for Fernie. The cast and crew were there for nearly 30 days,” said Maratta. “We need to ween them off Vancouver. A lot of them are positioned to come if they can come make it affordable.”

The crew will wrap up production in Queens Bay at the end of the week and return to Vancouver.

Nelson Star