Movie shows Thursday about opioid addiction. (Contributed)

Movie shows Thursday about opioid addiction. (Contributed)

Film details scourge of opioid overdoses

Shows in Maple Ridge council chambers Thursday

If you want to get the message about the impact of addiction and opioids in one of the most impactful forms, stop in at Maple Ridge city council chambers this Thursday, Jan. 17.

Cinema Politica, Moms Stop The Harm, and the ST O R M Stop Overdose Ridge Meadows Community Action Team are collaborating to present Telus’s documentary, Painkiller: Inside the Opioid Crisis at 7 p.m.

The movie produced by Telus Health Originals, tells the human story behind the opioid epidemic that’s killing thousands in Canada.

“The documentary seeks to raise awareness and end the stigma of addiction by educating and informing viewers on what fentanyl is and how it is affecting our country,” Telus said on its website.

The documentary is only about 45 minutes long and covers a lot of ground and is an excellent film, said Kat Wahamaa with the Stop Overdose Ridge Meadows Action Team.

After the movie, there will be a brief panel discussion with Maple Ridge-Mission MLA Bob D’Eith, Erica Thompson from Fraser Health, Pete Woodrow from Anita Place Tent City and youth advocate Teesha Sharma among the panel members.

Maple Ridge News