BFA student Stephanie Tennert works in her home studio on a drawing in preparation for the year end exhibition. Photo: UBCO

Final UBCO art exhibit going virtual

"Up Close from a Distance" exhibit will showcase the work of 18 bachelor of fine arts students that were created during the course of the year

  • Apr. 6, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The final exhibit prepared by visual arts students graduating from UBC Okanagan (UBCO) this year will come as a virtual show.

From April 12 to 26, the “Up Close from a Distance” exhibit will showcase the work of 18 bachelor of fine arts (BFA) students created during the course of the year. It’s set to include sculpture, performance, painting, drawing and animation.

The free exhibit is a feature of the school’s faculty of creative and critical studies’ Spring Festival of the Arts. According to UBCO, the art on display will examine themes based on identity, personal histories, cultural traditions and spirituality.

“Up Close from a Distance represents the intimacy that connected this cohort as they shared their varied and unusual studio situations, that crossed geographical borders and time zones, through Zoom,” said visual arts instructor Katherine Pickering.

Graduating BFA Stephanie Tennert said that learning to create art from home has prepared her and her colleagues for future success.

“Learning to do printmaking and large-scale drawings from my own bedroom is a wonderful asset,” said Tennert. “And seeing the range of works my classmates have been able to make from their homes is inspiring.”

Come April 12, you can access the exhibit at

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