Mayor Karen Hamling and Public Works manager Mike Pedersen hold up one of the new banners, designed by Beth McLeod.

Mayor Karen Hamling and Public Works manager Mike Pedersen hold up one of the new banners, designed by Beth McLeod.

Final Village council meeting of 2012 short but stuffed with Nakusp news

Another brief council meeting wrapped up the year for the Village of Nakusp on Dec. 10.

  • Dec. 23, 2012 4:00 p.m.

Another brief council meeting wrapped up the year for the Village of Nakusp on Dec. 10. There were still a few questions about proper procedures from the new councillors, but the meeting moved along smoothly.

Banners are here

The much-anticipated Nakusp banners have been ordered, and mayor Karen Hamling had one on hand to show to council. The banners have the Nakusp logo–an ‘N’ coloured in green and blue to look like mountains and sky–on a white field. With one side reading “Welcome to the Village of Nakusp: Beauty. Passion. Balance.” and the other to “Visit Nakusp Hot Springs: Relax. Refresh. Return.”

Breakwater discussion

CFO Rob Richards and the mayor sat down with BC Hydro to discuss building a breakwater before sending a letter to the Comptroller. Hydro’s estimate was that it would cost $2.2 million to build a breakwater, said Hamling, who was confident that it wouldn’t cost that much. Ken France, president of the Nakusp Launch Club, has done an informal study with other Club members into the costs to replace the rotting parts of the existing breakwater which has been passed on to Hydro. The estimated cost of their project is in the order of $90,000 said mayor Hamling.

Mayor as advocate

In her report, the mayor mentioned she had met with Arrow and Slocan Lakes Community Service’s Tim Payne to talk with him about Halcyon House and to let him know that she can act as advocate in her position as mayor.

CRT meeting

The Columbia River Treaty Local Government Committee heard the information that George Penfold brought as a result of his Social Economic Benefits and Impacts Study around land values and compensation issues. The same information was give at the CRT meeting Nov. 29 in Nakusp.

“The committee continues to have teleconference meetings every two weeks to ensure that the issues brought forward are being addressed,” the mayor wrote in her report to council. “I encourage everyone to visit the CBT website and the government website for information on the treaty process.”

Another Nakusp-Kaslo bus?

The West Kootenay Regional Transit is working with the Interior Health Authority to put in another run between Nakusp and Kaslo, the mayor told council, but there were no changes planned for Nakusp transit.

Busy day for Santa

Councillor Guy Duchaine said the Chamber of Commerce-organized Celebration of Lights was well attended, with sixty people in line at one point to get their picture with santa during the day.


Vivien Berry has received the funding from the Columbia Basin Trust to go ahead with the Business Expansion and Retention Study, Duchaine reported to council.

Councillor Mueller also reported that the Business Retention and Expansion project spearheaded by Vivien Berry will be tweaking the existing survey, which is geared more for manufacturers, to make it appropriate for smaller businesses.

Water forum grants

Nakusp Free Carbon Neutral Kootenay has small community grants of $500 to $1,500 for forums about water to be held in the village, said Duchaine.

Hot Springs prospectus

Councillor Joseph Hughes reported that the Hot Springs Advisory Committee is working on a prospectus for potential investors. The Committee is working to determine the best way to market the Springs as well, and is finding Diana Brooks, Regional Economic Development Manager with the province, an invaluable help.

Hazardous waste away

Councillor Ulli Mueller reported on the RDCK Resource Recovery Committee Nov. 14 meeting, where all the directors agreed that the hazardous waste pick-up was well-received and should continue on in the future. There was a discussion about rotating the location of the pick up so all tax payers in the region get an opportunity to access a drop off site close to home. Once the budget is determined, the details of the next hazardous waste pick-up will be determined.

Fond farewell to Paula Rogers

Counc. Mueller announced that Nakusp Library Chair Paula Rogers will be stepping down at the end of this year.

“It was bittersweet,” said Mueller, who said Rogers has been a wonderful chairperson and will be sorely missed. A new chair will be taking her place in January.

NACFOR up and running

Councillor Tom Zeleznik gave an update of NACFOR business, which is back on, now that the roads have frozen up and are in better shape. Falling, skidding and hauling is all a go, which is good news, said Zeleznik, particularly now that logs are fetching a better price these days.

Biomass presentation

Kevin Weaver, Economic Development Manager for Cranbrook and Diana Brooks will be coming to present the Biomass Project to NACFOR and NADB Jan. 16, 2013, said Zeleznik. NACFOR is hoping to invite as many groups as possible for the presentation.

Bylaw needs more work

Counc. Duchaine inquired why the Good Neighbour Bylaw is still on the table.

“This has been on the table for a long time,” he pointed out.

“It’s going to take a lot of research,” replied mayor Hamling, noting there were many details that staff were going to have to research before the bylaw could be approved.

The formation of the bylaw came in response to complaints about vermin and refuse on some properties in the village, said Ulli Mueller.

Mayor Hamling said she hoped the bylaw would be in effect by the summer.

2013 Council schedule

The schedule for 2013 council meetings is now official. Mondays are the day the Village council and mayor will meet, unless there is a holiday or an intervening event, in which case the council will convene Tuesday. The schedule will be published in the paper, so get your scissors out.

Committee shuffle

Some councillors will be taking part in different committees. Counc. Duchaine will be departing the NADB and joining the EMBC. Counc. Mueller will be leaving the Hot Springs Advisory Committee and added to the NADB, and counc. Zeleznik will be on the Hot Springs Advisory Committee and removed from the EMBC.

Woodstove exchange again

The Village of Nakusp will be sending a letter to the RDCK saying they will be taking part in the RDCK Woodstove exchange program in 2012 and that the Village will be funding up to 10 stoves. This means that Nakusp residents have an opportunity to apply for a rebate of $350 on the purchase of a new wood stove, with the cost to the Village being $100 per approved purchase.

New sign for Broadway

The Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store will be getting a new sign. Council approved an application that the Auxiliary put in to put up a sign at their Broadway storefront.

Keep an eye open for it!


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