Financial literacy classes offered

Financial Literacy month seems like a great time to celebrate the delivery of more than 20 financial literacy workshops.

Financial Literacy month seems like a great time to celebrate the delivery of more than 20 financial literacy workshops and our one to one tuition that has helped more than 250 learners in our region so far.

Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy (CCPL) launched the project in 2011 after receiving funding from the TD/ SEDI Financial Literacy Grant Fund.

CCPL continues to provide resources and support through their adult community literacy programs and by collaborating with other community service providers to bring these resources to existing programs.

Throughout the month CCPL will bring you facts, resources and challenges to help improve your financial literacy skills.

Let’s start with a few questions.

Do you keep track of your income and expenses every month?

Do you know ways to reduce your debt?

Do you know how much you pay in fees and interest every month?

If you answer no to any or all of these questions, perhaps it is time to track your spending or think about changing your spending habits.

Kirsten Stark is a Literacy Outreach Worker in Williams Lake and provides free financial literacy workshops throughout the region.

For more information, to arrange a meeting or to request a workshop, please contact or phone 250-392-8161, option 3 and leave a message.

Melody Newcombe is representative or Cariboo-Chilcotin Partners for Literacy.


Williams Lake Tribune