Find out what the future of transit will entail

BC Transit is pulling their BC Transit Future Bus into Lake Cowichan this weekend.

  • Jan. 31, 2011 9:00 a.m.
The BC Transit information bus, which will pull into Lake Cowichan, Sunday, February 6.

The BC Transit information bus, which will pull into Lake Cowichan, Sunday, February 6.

BC Transit is pulling their BC Transit Future Bus into Lake Cowichan this weekend.

Joanna Linsangan, manager of public relations with BC Transit, said the hollowed out bus is packed with information and surveys about BC Transit.

“Essentially, it’s a roving open house,” said Linsangan.

“Transit Future is a vision for what transit could look like 25 years from now.”

BC Transit is hoping to get as much feedback from the general public, frequent and non-frequent users, as possible to help them plan services for the future. This includes new routes, changes to existing routes, utilizing new technology and making transit more efficient and green.

“We are looking at everything.”

Linsangan noted that with open houses, it is often hard to draw a crowd, so they decided to use the bus and take their open house to the people of the community.

“By actually having this mobile tool, we are coming to the people and where they frequent.”

The information bus will be in Lake Cowichan on Sunday, Feb. 6, at Country Grocer from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

“We are really encouraging people to do come out and if you are unable to attend they can also visit our website (,” said Linsangan, adding they are hoping to have a better picture of transit use in the Cowichan Valley after the information has been received.

Feb. 6 is the final tour for the bus in Phase 1.

Phase 2 will be compiling all the information gathered.

Linsangan said she is not sure how long it will take to process all the information.

“The scope of the Transit Future project is to create more livable communities and a more sustainable future.”

Lake Cowichan Gazette