Fire damages general store in Fruitvale

Fire crews douse a fire at Country Roads, "Damage was done but it could have been way worse."

Kootenay Boundary fire crews attended a fire at Country Roads in Fruitvale on Tuesday night. Photo: Facebook.

A fire in downtown Fruitvale Tuesday night had Kootenay Boundary fire crews working into the early hours.

Just after 11 p.m., Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue responded to a fire at Country Roads General Store at 1936 Main Street.

A total of 17 firefighters attended, 10 from the Trail station, four from Montrose, and three from Fruitvale, and were on scene at 11:16 p.m.

The fire was contained to the exterior of the building with minor damage to nearby buildings.

One firefighter was transported to the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail for observation.

Fire crews had the fire under control at 1:14 a.m. and mop up completed by 3 a.m.

A Facebook post on Country Roads page read: “A good samaritan who called 911 and local fire crews averted disaster tonight by quickly putting out a fire behind Country Roads. Damage was done but it could have been way worse.

“A heartfelt thank you to everyone who showed up on the hottest night of the year to help.”

The cause of the fire is undetermined and is under investigation by Regional Fire Rescue.

Read: Crews mop up wildfire in Trail

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