Williams Lake fire chief Des Webster.

Williams Lake fire chief Des Webster.

Fire department responds to truck fire at hall

The Williams Lake fire department didn’t have to go far last Thursday to put out a fire.

The Williams Lake fire department didn’t have to go far last Thursday to put out a fire.

At around 3 p.m. April 3, crews returned from a dispatch to discover smoke coming from the engine of the department’s 1998 EI ladder truck that was plugged in inside the hall.

Immediately crews doused the smoke.

“We’re not sure if there was a fault in the system somewhere or something just overheated,” said fire chief Des Webster Monday, who was in the process of arranging some transportation to send the truck to a fire truck manufacturer in Vancouver to assess the dollar damage.

“Hopefully we’ll know more once it’s assessed.”

A temporary replacement truck is coming so the department’s coverage isn’t hampered.

“We’re just lucky it happened in the afternoon and not at 3 a.m.,” Webster added.

It’s the first time there’s been a fire in the hall that Webster can recall.


Williams Lake Tribune