Fire destroys Boothroyd fire hall

The cause of the blaze on Dec.1 has been attributed to electrical wiring in the rafters of the building

An electrical fire has destroyed the Boothroyd First Nation fire hall.

An electrical fire has destroyed the Boothroyd First Nation fire hall.

Boothroyd First Nation in Boston Bar is grieving the loss of their fire hall.

The building was completely destroyed in a structure fire on Dec. 1, along with their fire truck and equipment. The blaze was discovered at about 10 p.m. by a member of the community who saw smoke billowing from the roof of the fire hall. An attempt to remove the fire truck from inside was thwarted by the heavy smoke. When police arrived on scene, the roof was fully engulfed in flames.

“We’re still reeling from the fire and trying to figure out how to proceed,” said Chief Rick Campbell. “As it stands right now, we have no fire protection at all. A lot of our members depend on their wood stoves at this time of year and they’re afraid to have their fires going without a fire truck.”

Fire officials on scene attributed the cause of the fire to electrical wiring in the rafters of the building. There was no one injured in the blaze, but the total estimated damage is about $300,000.

“I want to thank Boston Bar Fire Department for coming as quickly as they did and doing what they could. I also want to thank all the people that have contacted us since and given us their support and well wishes,” said Campbell. “We’ve been busy since the day of the fire coming up with ideas for fundraising and getting new equipment.”

Boothroyd First Nation has eight to 10 volunteer firefighters serving the community. The fire hall, which was built in 1997, housed all their equipment including hoses, turnout gear, and oxygen tanks.

The band is currently trying to raise money to buy new hoses, nozzles and other equipment needed to connect to fire hydrants around the community. Anyone wishing to donate to the cause can contact the band office at 604-867-9211.

Hope Standard