The Thornhill Volunteer Fire Department responded to a fire in Old Remo during the afternoon on Aug. 6. (Thornhill Fire Department Community Connection/Facebook)

Fire destroys motor home south of Terrace

No injuries as a result of the Munson Rd. blaze

  • Aug. 9, 2021 12:00 a.m.

No injuries were reported during an Aug. 6 fire south of Terrace that destroyed a motor home.

When the Thornhill Volunteer Fire Department attended the scene on Munson Rd. Friday during the afternoon, they found a large class A motor home, small SUV and motorcycle on fire. There were no structures on fire and no injuries as a result.

Eight firefighters and three apparatuses were on the scene for over an hour, using compressed air foam to tackle the flames.

In a Facebook post, the fire department commended a neighbour for providing water protection on nearby buildings until firefighters arrived.

READ MORE: Thornhill Fire Dept. awaits four new trucks

Terrace Standard