Fire destroys staff cabin at Pacific Sands Resort in Tofino


A fire at Pacific Sands Resort in Tofino has destroyed a cabin used for staff accommodations.

The fire was fully-involved by the time trucks from the Tofino Volunteer Fire Department arrived Friday afternoon, one observer said.

David Hersog was on his way to the beach at Cox Bay after 4 p.m. when he saw a big plume of smoke from Pacific Sands.

Within 10 minutes, the blaze had engulfed a cabin, Hersog said.

“I just saw the place completely up in flames – there was no way of salvaging it,” he said.

Efforts to save nearby cabins by hosing them down appeared successful. Tires popped and melted on a nearby car.

Initial reports said no one was injured in the blaze. 

Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News