The Armstrong-Spallumcheen Fire Department is updating mutual aid agreements with other departments in the area.

The Armstrong-Spallumcheen Fire Department is updating mutual aid agreements with other departments in the area.

Fire hall agreements inked

The City of Armstrong approves a mutual aid agreement for fire department emergency resources.

The City of Armstrong has unanimously approved in principle the draft of the new five-year mutual aid agreement for fire department emergency resources.

The current deal between the city, Spallumcheen, Vernon Enderby, Coldstream and the Regional  District of North Okanagan (which consists of BX-Swan Lake, Lumby and Silver Star) expired on March 3, but the partners agreed to extend it to the end of the year.

“The agreement allows the communities to request and provide fire department emergency resources to the communities in the event an emergency exceeds the resources of an individual community’s fire department,” said Armstrong Mayor Chris Pieper, who is the city’s representative on the Armstrong Spallumcheen Fire Service Commission.

The commission had recommended that the city and the township support the draft in principle.

The five-year agreement would take effect Jan. 1.


Vernon Morning Star