Fire hall sign fuels debate

Coldstream Fire Department waiting for sign approval

After almost three years of being Coldstream’s nameless new building, a local facility could finally be getting some signage.

Eager to get a sign out front, Coldstream’s volunteer firefighters did all the necessary paperwork for quotes and designs on a sign.

Since the building is owned by the municipality, the department needs council approval to purchase the sign.

Fire chief Dave Sturgeon is hopeful this might finally be their lucky year.

“We’ve been putting it in our budget for three years,” he said.

A $5,000 free-standing steel sign on aluminum poles has been chosen by the firefighters (to reduce the risk of theft and allow for easier graffiti removal).

“The fire halls have been built for three years now, it’s time for them to have a sign and be recognizable,” said Coun. Gyula Kiss.

But council hasn’t given its stamp of approval yet.

In hopes of also getting Lavington on board with a sign decision (since the Lavington hall is also nameless), the matter has been deferred.

“The Coldstream fire hall accelerated the process by taking the initiative, which is admirable,” said Coun. Doug Dirk.

“But we don’t want to just do half and leave the other half hanging.”

Coun. Maria Besso has concerns about the cost, along with how the individual fire departments are treated.

“When one asks for something we go, ‘wait a minute, the other one has to have the same thing.’”

Exercising a better relationship

Coldstream firefighters are open to building a better bond with their neighbours.

The fire department is welcoming staff at the District of Coldstream municipal office to use its personal fitness equipment.

“That was something I brought forward actually,” said fire chief Dave Sturgeon, who agreed to open up the facilities after a district staff member inquired about using them.

“I didn’t see an issue with it and I’m trying to just show a unified district.”

The exercise equipment, housed in the new fire department, was purchased by the firefighters with their own volunteer funds.

Coldstream staff will have access to the facilities between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. with their own pass code and requirements to sign in and out of the facility.

“That way the fire department would know who’s using it and when,” said Michael Stamhuis, chief administrative officer.

“So there’s the ability for the department to fully monitor it.”


Vernon Morning Star