Fire inspection policy for Queen Charlotte

  • Jan. 23, 2012 6:00 a.m.

By Karyn Prest–Queen Charlotte council voted for a new fire inspection policy when it met Jan. 16. The purpose of the policy is to comply with the BC Fire Services Act, to identify fire risks, prepare pre-fire plans to assist the volunteer fire department in a fire or other emergency, and to establish a regular schedule for inspections that considers the resources of the fire department without compromising its ability to provide regular services.Under the Fire Services Act, the village must provide for regular inspections. Public buildings such as hospitals, hotels, churches and schools must be inspected every twelve months and other public buildings every eighteen months. According to village Chief Administrative Officer Bill Beamish, there is no one on the island who is qualified to do these inspections but he said there were a few people on the QC-VFD who would be willing to take the appropriate training. He also said there will be a cost to get this policy going in the first year or two because an inspector will have to be brought in for three or four days to complete municipal inspections in both Queen Charlotte and Masset.Before inspections can take place, Fire Chief Larry Duke will have to develop a list of buildings that need inspecting and a schedule of inspections and submit a proposed budget to carry out inspections.

Haida Gwaii Observer