Fire north of Kimberley in mop up stage

Lightning caused fire near Wood's Corner now contained

The Southeast Fire Centre has a fire north of Kimberley contained.

The Southeast Fire Centre has a fire north of Kimberley contained.

The Southeast Fire Centre has contained a fire 12 kilometres north of Kimberley (in the Wood’s Corner area) and it is now in the mop up stage, says Carlee Kashman from the Fire Centre.

“It is believed it was lighting caused,” Kashman said. “It was discovered on Sunday and 20 personnel and two water tenders actioned it. It grew to 6.5 hectares and is now 100 per cent contained.”

Fire hazard is rated moderate this week, although any lightning has the potential to start a fire that may not pop up immediately. To report a wildfire, call *5555 on your cell or 1-800-663-5555.


Kimberley Daily Bulletin