Fire service review gets green light

Spallumcheen council has agreed with its Armstrong colleagues that a review of the fire service is necessary

The future of fire protection in Armstrong-Spallumcheen will be scrutinized further.

Spallumcheen council has agreed with its Armstrong colleagues that a review of the fire service is necessary.

“We will look to make sure the service gets better and stronger,” said Andrew Casson, a Spallumcheen councillor.

The terms of reference for the review includes firefighter compensation.

“We want to look at retention of volunteers,” said Mayor Janice Brown.

“We are losing veterans and the young people who have two-job families can’t jut get up at night and go to a call when their wife is at work.”

Another issue that will be considered during the review is what kind of incidents the department responds to.

“We are concerned about the number of motor vehicle accidents on the highway and no payback (financial support from the province),” said Brown.

Three proposals were received from  companies to conduct the fire services review and Spallumcheen staff ranked the bid from Coquitlam-based Dave Mitchell and Associates as the preferred option.

Spallumcheen council has approved a contract of $27,500.


Vernon Morning Star