Fire services is encouraging residents to learn how to prevent kitchen fires

Fire prevention week will focus on fire safety in the kitchen

  • Oct. 4, 2013 4:00 p.m.

Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service (AFRS) will be hosting family night open houses at all eight fire halls on Wednesday, Oct. 9 from 6 to 8 p.m. to educate community members about fire safety.

This year’s Fire Prevention Week – Oct. 6 to 12 – will focus on preventing kitchen fires. AFRS will educate the public on the dangers of kitchen fires – most of which result from unattended cooking – and teach residents how to prevent them from starting.

According to the latest research, cooking is the leading cause of home fires. Two of every five home fires begin in the kitchen—more than any other place in the home. Cooking fires are also the leading cause of home fire related injuries.

“Often when we’re called to a fire that started in the kitchen, the residents tell us that they only left the kitchen for a few minutes,” said Fire Chief Don Beer.

“Sadly, that’s all it takes for a dangerous fire to start. We hope that Fire Prevention Week will help us reach folks in the community before they’ve suffered a damaging lesson.”

AFRS is reminding the public of safety tips for cooking, including staying in the kitchen, keeping children, pets and kitchen utensils away from the stove top, and keeping a pot lid handy to use as a fire extinguisher.

Abbotsford News