Firefighters, district reach new deal

Firefighters, district reach new deal

A new collective agreement has been ratified by the District of Mission and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 4768.

  • Nov. 23, 2015 6:00 p.m.

Mission Firefighters and the district have come to an agreement.

A new collective agreement ratified by the District of Mission and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 4768 provides long-term cost certainty and enhancements to Fire/Rescue services for the community through 2019.

The contract is in-line with recent arbitrated agreements throughout the province, providing a 2.5 percent annual wage increase. It also provides the district the flexibility to move incrementally toward a 24-hour model staffed with career firefighters by the year 2020, providing enhanced safety and security for the community.

“I’m pleased to have achieved this agreement. The district has gained excellent language to significantly reduce overtime cost and to maintain staffing flexibility,” said fire chief Larry Watkinson.

“Our experience with large scale incidents, especially in the day time when our paid-on-call fire fighters are at work highlights the need for additional career fire fighter coverage, and the importance of our dedicated paid-on-call firefighters. This contract really strengthens our ability to serve the community and it provides certainty for both the district and our crews over the long-term.”


Mission City Record