Firefighters jump in to help Salvation Army

Kelowna Fire Department comes to the aid of the Salvation Army. What more can these guys do?

Kelowna Firefighters donated funds for the restoration and replacement of equipment that The Salvation Army relies on after the Sally Ann’s van was broken into with items stolen and damage caused totalling $5,000.

Kelowna Firefighters donated funds for the restoration and replacement of equipment that The Salvation Army relies on after the Sally Ann’s van was broken into with items stolen and damage caused totalling $5,000.

Earlier this month, the Salvation Army Emergency Response Truck and Trailer were broken into and items were stolen.

The Salvation Army lost its generator, fuel cans, canopy tents and lighting. Both the truck and trailer were vandalized and the damage to the vehicle and the loss was estimated at $5,000.

The Kelowna Firefighters donated funds for the restoration and replacement of equipment that The Salvation Army relies on to help our community. We are grateful for the generosity of the firefighters at this time.

RELATED: Firefighters have been busy lately responding to multiple fires.

Kelowna Capital News