Photo courtesy of District of Mission.

Firefighters’ union and District of Mission sign 4-year collective agreement

Firefighters to see increase of 2.5 per cent for first 3 years, minor benefit improvements

  • May. 5, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The union representing local firefighters have signed a new collective agreement with the District of Mission.

The four-year deal negotiated with the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 4768, will be in place until the end of 2023.

Mission firefighters will see a wage increase of 2.5 per cent for the first three years (retroactively starting in 2020), minor benefit improvements, and an increase in rates paid to 20-year veterans of the service.

“Our career firefighters work very hard to keep this community safe,” said Fire Chief Mark Goddard. “The IAFF and district management worked equally hard to draft a fair and collaborative agreement that reflects the great relationship and respect we both have for each other.”

The final year will have a “comparable increase to other municipalities, and allowances for the District to control costs during a time where the region is seeing considerable growth and pressure across all services,” according to a May 4 District of Mission news release.

“Council is committed to providing a safe community for our residents, and our fire services are a key pillar of this,” said Acting Mayor Mark Davies. “We are fortunate to have a dedicated and professional Fire Inspector and a team of firefighters who continue to provide education, prevention, and response services across our growing municipality.”

RELATED: Firefighters battle downtown Mission blaze

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