Firewood permits needed for fall harvest

During these cool autumn evenings, many British Columbians are starting to light their fireplaces or wood stoves.

  • Oct. 21, 2015 3:00 p.m.

During these cool autumn evenings, many British Columbians are starting to light their fireplaces or wood stoves to help keep their homes warm. However, the government is reminding people who cut or use firewood they must have permits to ensure that it was harvested legally.

Before collecting firewood please obtain a firewood permit to ensure that your firewood collection adheres to local regulations, and to verify that firewood collection is permitted in the area from which you plan to obtain your wood.

Firewood collection permits are free and allow British Columbians to collect and transport firewood from eligible crown lands for personal use. Permits must be printed, signed and carried with you when collecting firewood. Firewood permits are available at your local natural resource district office, or online at:

To find out where firewood harvesting is prohibited on lands identified for conservation and/or other public use values in B.C. contact your local natural resource district office.

Firewood permits and their associated documentation describe the permitted areas, methods, and amount of firewood that can legally be harvested in the different natural resource districts.

Cutting down trees on Crown land without an appropriate permit, or selling any such firewood, is an ongoing concern in British Columbia.

This activity is illegal and could result in a violation ticket or fine.

It also could create safety hazards for recreationalists and other forest users, and negatively affect ecosystems, including fish and wildlife habitats.

Williams Lake Tribune