Fireworks and Category 2 and 3 fires banned in Castlegar

The ban takes effect Friday.

Fireworks are once again banned in the City of Castlegar.

The prohibition comes in conjunction with a Category 2 and Category 3 fire ban for the entire Southeast Fire Centre (SEFC). Fire danger ratings within the SEFC have been increased due to the warm weather.

The bans begin at noon on Friday, July 24.

Campfires are still permitted within city limits as long they are burning clean campfire wood on private property or in designated fire pits at Millennium and Kinnaird parks.

Open burning of yard and garden waste is never allowed within the city.

More information on the city’s burning rules can be found at

READ MORE: Two Castlegar firefighters honoured with nationally-recognized certification

Category 2 open burn prohibitions include:

• the burning of any waste, slash or other materials

• open fires larger than 0.5 metres wide by 0.5 metres high

• stubble or grass fires of any size over any area

• the use of sky lanterns

• the use of fireworks, including firecrackers

• the use of binary exploding targets

• the use of burn barrels or burn cages of any size or description except when used for a campfire as defined by the wildfire regulation

• the use of air curtain burners

Category 3 burn prohibitions include:

• any fire larger than two metres high by three metres wide

• three or more concurrently burning piles no larger than two metres high by three metres wide

• burning of one or more windrows

• burning of stubble or grass over an area greater than 0.2 hectares

Visit for information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories.

betsy.kline@castlegarnews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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