Construction workers preparing First Avenue sidewalk for bollards (Cole Schisler photo)

Construction workers preparing First Avenue sidewalk for bollards (Cole Schisler photo)

First Avenue bollard construction will take place throughout September

Downtown businesses will remain open during the installation

  • Sep. 9, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Town of Ladysmith’s bollard installation on First Avenue began September 9.

Downtown businesses will remain open during the installation. Nine safety bollards will be placed in strategic locations determined by the Town. Businesses were consulted before work commenced to ensure minimal disruption. The Town planned to install the bollards on August 6, but that effort was postponed to minimize impact on businesses.

A portion of the sidewalk will be removed, underground infrastructure will be relocated, and on-street parking in front of the construction area will be limited.

The total cost of installations for 2019 will be $20,000, and the additional $5,000 of funding will come from savings of other public works projects.

RELATED: 1st Avenue bollards project to go ahead summer 2019

The Town estimates work will be completed by September 20. In the meantime, the Town will create a pedestrian path and install ramp walkways leading to the door of each business. Additional parking will be made available at the public lot on Roberts Street beside the Chamber of Commerce.

The bollard project has long been discussed in Ladysmith after multiple cars have jumped the curb on First Avenue. The initial 9 bollards are being installed to prevent those kind of accidents, as well as protect businesses and pedestrians.

Future installation of bollards is at the discretion of Council and will be considered in upcoming budget discussions.

Ladysmith Chronicle