A couple of friends catch up in the stairwell at Vernon Secondary during the first day in the new school Tuesday.

A couple of friends catch up in the stairwell at Vernon Secondary during the first day in the new school Tuesday.

First day in books at new Vernon Secondary School

Energy echoed through the new hallways and stairwells at Vernon Secondary Tuesday as students left the bricks from the old school behind...

Energy echoed through the hallways and stairwells at Vernon Secondary Tuesday as students left the bricks behind and took in their first day at the new school.

The bright, spacious building left some students scrambling to find their lockers and homerooms between the three floors and teachers trying to settle in. But overall, smiles beamed as everyone marvelled at the new facility.

“It feels like the very first day in September where everybody doesn’t know where their locker is, what their combination number is and there’s also that excitement of something new,” said principal Morris Vardabasso. “The bricks are in the past.”

Grade 12 student Melanie Wakutz was instantly impressed as she entered the building Tuesday.

“When I walked in I was like, ‘wow,’ it’s huge.”

One favourite space in the school is the new gym, big enough to have the bleachers all the way out during a game.

“It’s my favourite room in the school,” said Chris Inscho, Grade 11, of the Panther Pit.


Vernon Morning Star