(from left) Simran Walia, Kutrina Mosch, John Darras and Lydia Elder are coordintating Delta’s Pride Picnic. (Sandy Drover photo)

(from left) Simran Walia, Kutrina Mosch, John Darras and Lydia Elder are coordintating Delta’s Pride Picnic. (Sandy Drover photo)

‘First ever’ Pride Picnic coming to Delta this August

Organizer Kutrina Mosch believes this may be the first Pride event ever held in Delta

Delta will have the opportunity to celebrate diversity and inclusivity at the first ever Pride Picnic this August.

The Pride Picnic, which will be held at Ladner’s Memorial Park on Saturday, Aug. 4 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., is intended to be a low-key, family-friendly Pride event where the local LGBTQ community and their allies can gather together.

The idea is to “show the community that Delta is open, Delta is inclusive and that Delta is supportive,” according to Kutrina Mosch, one of the organizers of the event.

“It was something important for me that we show inclusivity in our community,” she continued. “We love everybody in the LGBTQ community, just like we love everybody who isn’t.”

The idea came to Mosch back in June (which is Pride month), when she asked in a local Facebook group if there were any Delta-based Pride events that she and her son, who is a member of the LGBTQ community, could attend, but found none.

“I’m like, wouldn’t it be great if there was something out here that was family-friendly, local,” Mosch said. “Just something that was a little bit more low-key than going all the way out into Vancouver.”

Once she posted in the group that there were no local events, a number of people messaged her through Facebook, Mosch said. Together, they started planning what they’re calling Delta’s first Pride event.

“It’s been a snowball from there,” she said.

It will be a “family picnic meets chatting with friends, family” event Mosch said. There will be games as well as face painting and local artists. Some food will be provided, according to the event’s gofundme.com page, although attendees are welcome to bring their own snacks to share. Participants are also asked to bring their own picnic blankets.

The park will be wheelchair accessible, and any seniors who wish to participate can contact the event coordinators through their Facebook page to ask for additional accessibility help. In the event of rain, the event will be held at the Ladner United Church, which has donated their space.

Currently, organizers are looking for donations to help support the picnic’s operating costs through gofundme.com. According to the page, they need $510 for the park rental, insurance and damage deposit, plus money to cover decorations, food and drinks, and service items. Mosch has also created an Amazon wishlist of items to purchase for the picnic.

As well, organizers are hoping to raise enough money through the gofundme for a “slush fund” to cover the additional insurance required should more than 200 people show up to the event.

A full breakdown of costs will be provided after the event, and any additional funds raised will go towards Covenant House, a non-profit organization that supports homeless youth.

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