The first Tyee of the year was brought in last night at 8 p.m. by Racho Jordanov, a new member of the Tyee Club. He caught a 34.5 lb. Tyee on a plug rowed by Bruce Aikman.

The first Tyee of the year was brought in last night at 8 p.m. by Racho Jordanov, a new member of the Tyee Club. He caught a 34.5 lb. Tyee on a plug rowed by Bruce Aikman.

First Tyee of 2016 caught off Campbell River

Traditional fishery celebrates the use of traditional fishing gear caught off a rowboat

The first Tyee of the season was caught 8 p.m. yesterday off the Tyee Spit by Racho Jordanov. It was a 34.5 lb. Tyee caught on a plug rowed by guide Bruce Aikman.

The Tyee Club of B.C. celebrates the use of traditional fishing gear caught off a rowboat off the Tyee Spit at the mouth of the Campbell River. To become a member, you must catch a Tyee using prescribed gear. A Tyee is a salmon 30 pounds or bigger.

Campbell River Mirror