BC Conservation Officer Service said five U.S. citizens fishing on the Dean River near Bella Coola were fined for using barbed hooks. (BC Conservation Officer Facebook photo)

BC Conservation Officer Service said five U.S. citizens fishing on the Dean River near Bella Coola were fined for using barbed hooks. (BC Conservation Officer Facebook photo)

Five U.S. citizens fined for fishing with barbed hooks near Bella Coola

BC Conservation officers caught them during a patrol of the Dean River

Five U.S. citizens caught more than they expected when they were fined by the BC Conservation Officer Service for fishing with barbed hooks near Bella Coola recently.

In a Facebook post, the Conservation Officer Service noted officers were patrolling the Dean River to conduct angling compliance checks when they met up with the fishing individuals.

Using barbed hooks is in contravention of the BC Sport Fishing Regulation so each of them were issued a $575 fine.

“It was an expensive day of fishing,” noted the Facebook post.

Bella CoolaConservation