Five-way intersection gets safety upgrades

ICBC funding helps add pedestrian refuge in Estevan

Alterations are expected anytime at the five-way intersection of Musgrave and Estevan.

“It’s an intersection that some of the improvements were identified by the consultant and ICBC,” said Dave Marshall, director of engineering for Oak Bay. “As much as it would be nice to get a roundabout in there there just isn’t the physical space … The problem is you need a bit more space to get in a full-size roundabout.”

The project includes adding signage to warn road users of hidden access points; remove one angled parking stall from the south western end of Estevan Village; realign the Musgrave Street crosswalk to be perpendicular to the sidewalk; install defined curbs on both sides of that crosswalk; upgrade street lighting in the area; and install a raised median at the Musgrave Street crosswalk.

“It’s a safety improvement initiative putting in a pedestrian refuge island for the south side, realignment of the crosswalk at the north side … Those are the two main components,” Marshall said. “ICBC every year looks at programs that fit into their criteria. It was identified fairly early on as one that should get some safety improvements and upgrades.”

The project cost is estimated at $38,400 of which $20,000 is in this year’s budget. Another $16,000 is grant revenue from ICBC, topped up with $18,400 from the traffic calming account.


Oak Bay News