Five-year-old 911 caller earns praise

Daughter gets help for her mom using lesson in emergency phone line young girl learned from her grandmother

A five-year-old Langford girl is being praised for calling 911 after her mother went into an epileptic seizure at home.

On Aug. 15, RCMP dispatcher Chelsea Chang got an emergency call from a young child reporting her mother had fallen onto the cement in the backyard and was not getting up.

Chang stayed on the line with the girl while paramedics went to the scene.

While talking she learned that the girl was five years old, that her father was at work and that she was with her two younger brothers, aged three and one.

“Our dispatcher kept this very upset young girl on the phone, gleaning as much information from her as possible,” West Shore RCMP Cpl. Antonio Hernandez stated in a media release. “This call was high risk and emotionally difficult for this young girl, who needed to hear a friendly, calming and compassionate voice on the phone. She got just that, and together we were able to help her family.”

When paramedics arrived they found a 31-year-old woman experiencing an epileptic seizure. They helped the woman, who is reportedly now in good health.

The girl later told police that her grandma had taught her how to call 911.

West Shore RCMP are using the incident to remind people of the importance of teaching children about the emergency line.

The family has been invited to come to the station so police can present the young girl with a gift of appreciation for her actions.

Here’s the audio of the girl’s 911 call.


Goldstream News Gazette