SPECIAL PRESENTATION: On Sunday Staff Sgt. Scott Warren, right, of the Vancouver Island District RCMP presented a framed flag and certificate to Branch 76 President Jack MacLean. The Qualicum Beach Legion gave the flag to Warren last year when he left to take on his assignment in Afghanistan. The flag was flown at the Canadian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, then returned to Canada with Warren. The certificate accompanying the flag was signed by the last Canadian Police Contingent Commander of Afghanistan, C/Supt M. Lamothe.

SPECIAL PRESENTATION: On Sunday Staff Sgt. Scott Warren, right, of the Vancouver Island District RCMP presented a framed flag and certificate to Branch 76 President Jack MacLean. The Qualicum Beach Legion gave the flag to Warren last year when he left to take on his assignment in Afghanistan. The flag was flown at the Canadian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, then returned to Canada with Warren. The certificate accompanying the flag was signed by the last Canadian Police Contingent Commander of Afghanistan, C/Supt M. Lamothe.

Flag returns to Qualicum Beach from Afghanistan

The Qualicum Beach Legion gave the flag to Staff Sgt. Scott Warren last year when he left to take on his assignment in Afghanistan

  • Mar. 25, 2014 10:00 a.m.

SPECIAL PRESENTATION: On Sunday Staff Sgt. Scott Warren, right, of the Vancouver Island District RCMP presented a framed flag and certificate to Branch 76 President Jack MacLean. The Qualicum Beach Legion gave the flag to Warren last year when he left to take on his assignment in Afghanistan. The flag was flown at the Canadian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, then returned to Canada with Warren. The certificate accompanying the flag was signed by the last Canadian Police Contingent Commander of Afghanistan, C/Supt M. Lamothe.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News