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YCI Victoria photo

Flaming Lamborghini shoots down Douglas Street

Officers found driver intoxicated after speeding vehicle shooting flames from exhaust

  • Feb. 4, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A Lamborghini speeding down Douglas Street Friday night caught the eye of a VicPD patrol officer who spotted flames shooting from the vehicle’s exhaust pipes.

Upon pulling over the “supercar” the officer discovered the driver to be impaired by alcohol and immediately had the vehicle impounded for 30 days. Under the Motor Vehicle Act, a vehicle is impounded when a driver fails a breathalyzer test.


The driver also faces a 90-day suspension of their driver’s licence, which is in accordance with a test result of a blood alcohol content of over 0.08 per cent.

The driver may also face a $500 fine and mandatory attendance to a remedial program, according to the act.


Victoria News