Residents near Christina Lake, B.C. awoke early Sunday, April 26, to water and debris inundating their properties from a nearby creek that had breached its banks. Photo courtesy of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary

Flash flood hits West Kootenay homes

No one hurt in sudden deluge that saw four people flee their home near Christina Lake, B.C.

  • Apr. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A flash flood Sunday, April 25, saw four people evacuate their home near Grand Forks, B.C., according to the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB). No one was injured in the flooding.

Mark Stephens, director of the RDKB’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in Trail, said the flood was triggered by the collapse of an undetermined blockage on a creek above Christina Lake some time Saturday night. The ensuing deluge damaged two homes and washed out a section of Fife Road roughly five kilometers east of Highway 3.

The EOC ordered the evacuation of both homes and a third home at around 4:30 p.m., Sunday. Stephens said the Canadian Red Cross is presently working to find emergency shelter for four people who left one of the homes.

Stephens said RDKB and forest ministry investigators would report some time Monday afternoon, April 26, as to when the displaced family can return.

Investigators are meanwhile determining what specifically caused the flooding.

Stephens suggested that the creek, an unnamed tributary to Baker Creek, likely filled up with debris, adding that beavers are known to be active in the area. The creek is flowing at normal levels. Local forecasts meanwhile predict warmer, dry weather, he added.

Fife Road is being repaired by local highway contractor Yellowhead Road and Bridge, Stephens said.


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Grand Forks Gazette