Flu outbreak at San Pen

The Saanich Peninsula Hospital has taken measures to contain and quell a flu bug that took up residence in two extended care units

The Saanich Peninsula Hospital has taken measures to contain and quell a flu bug that took up residence in two extended care units.

As of Wednesday afternoon, 20 long-term care residents had been affected by the outbreak that was declared in two separate units on Jan. 7 and 8 respectively.

“Lab tests have come back from the first outbreak announced Jan. 7 and it was confirmed that it tested positive as Influenza A, but we dont have confirmed results from other yet,” explained Vancouver Island Health Authority spokesperson Sarah Plank.

Plank also noted the hospital and health care workers have been taking extreme precaution to stop the spread of the virus to other areas of the hospital.

“We’re doing everytning we can to prevent the spread the virus,” said Plank. “Residents with symptoms are staying in their rooms, we closed the dining room and residents are being fed in their respective rooms. Any staff or family who enter the units are required to wear gloves, gowns and masks and we’ve dedicated staff the affected area so there isn’t any potential to spread the virus to other areas of the hospital.”

Eleven staff who hadn’t had flu shots this year were sent home earlier this week but Plank said several have since taken Tamiflu, so they will be able to return to work soon.

VIHA has asked families with relatives in the extended care units to limit their visits if at all possible during the outbreak. They have also asked those with any symptoms of cold or flu to not visit the hospital at all.

SPH has 143 residents in it’s long-term care facilities.



Peninsula News Review