Food bank seeks secure space

The Lake Cowichan Food Bank Society is looking for a place to store their recyclables.

The Lake Cowichan Food Bank Society is looking for a place to store their recyclables.

With a bottle drive coming up in September, the group has been collecting empties and needs a space to put them, explained coordinator Betty Anne Weberg Sanddar.

“We’ve been storing them at a board member’s house,” she explained, but that’s not viable any longer.

“Preferably it would be a lockable garage. They get kind of messy and we wouldn’t want anyone to think we want that in their house,” she added. She’s hoping somebody will see fit to donate a secure space for the summertime, just on a temporary basis.

The society’s leadership signed a lease in March 2016 which gave them a new home on South Shore Road.

“The reason why we’re doing so much fundraising is that we have that new home and it’s wonderful but it costs,” Weberg Sanddar explained.

The group spends $500 a month on rent and then has to pay insurance and utilities each month on top of that.

“And that’s before we buy any food,” she said.

For those who don’t have a storage facility but still want to help, the Lake Cowichan Food Bank does have an account at the Island Return It depot on Norcross Road in Duncan. Otherwise, give them a call at 250-749-4802 to arrange for pickup.

The Lake Cowichan Food Bank hands out hampers on the second Wednesday of the month within the Lake Cowichan, Honeymoon Bay and Youbou region.

Lake Cowichan Gazette