Food bank shelves well stocked

There shouldn’t be anyone going hungry this Christmas season in Campbell River

There shouldn’t be anyone going hungry this Christmas season in Campbell River, thanks to the generosity of the community, says food bank manager Ann Minosky.

“I think I’ve got everyone. I don’t think anyone is going to go hungry,” Minoksy said Wednesday, with the final distributions for the holiday season already out the door.

And with the holiday meals already in the hands of the needy, the shelves at the food bank are full to start the new year. While the food bank is reporting that demand has been up this season, and more and more families have been using the service, donations have kept up with demand.

“Campbell River seems to be the best town for giving,” Minosky said. “My shelves are full. The only problem is where to keep it all.”

A successful food drive headed by radio personality Dave Reynolds of 99.7 The River, brought in enough donations to fill two truck trailers of food for Campbell River and a third, smaller truck for Gold River. As well, Reynolds’ River Relief truck drive met its goal of bringing in 700 turkeys for the food bank and Salvation Army. Food drives held at local schools and business, and donations from grocery stores have also helped stock the shelves.

The local food bank provides food packages to between 1,500 and 1,900 people per month, with about 40 per cent of the clients being children.

“There’s lots of families because people have lost jobs,” Minosky said.

The local food bank was also dealt a blow when a break in was reported at the building on Dec. 13. Staff were unable to determine at the time if anything was taken, and a police investigation continues.

The next distribution at the Campbell River food bank takes place Jan. 4, 2012.

Campbell River Mirror