The people behind the Extra FARE food security program need a temporary space to pack hampers in, as they won’t have access to this room inside the YMCA after July 2021. (Margaret Reid photo)

Food security group seeking temporary space to pack hampers in Chilliwack

Extra FARE volunteers fill food hampers on Monday nights and deliver them on Tuesday mornings

The folks behind the Extra FARE food security program in Chilliwack are in desperate need of a donated space temporarily.

They need it to pack the weekly food hampers that they deliver to more than 100 people with specialized nutrition requirements.

The space they had been graciously offered at the YMCA will no longer be available by the end of July, so the need is pressing.

“We build hampers on Monday evenings, and need access for our delivery drivers on Tuesday morning,” said Margaret Reid, coordinator of the Extra FARE program.

Perishable items are kept off site.

The acronym, FARE, in this case stands for ‘food access for restricted eaters’ and the emphasis is on helping those in the need with special dietary requirements like non-dairy, or non-wheat foodstuffs. It serves folks who can’t use many of the items in standard food hamper programs because of dietary needs like allergies or intolerances.

Reid says they are so grateful to the YMCA for their patience, and working with the group to find a solution.

“With the new reopening plans they will need this room by the end of July,” Reid said.

So they are looking for a landlord to offer some donated space as soon as possible. Something like their current set-up would be ideal.

Extra FARE is expecting to get space in the new Food Hub building being renovated behind the Salvation Army Care and Share building as a Bowls of Hope program, with funding from United Way, but the space isn’t ready yet.

“The Extra FARE program is currently running at capacity (104 people) with a wait list, and we don’t want to see those clients lose this service,” Reid said.

Anyone with a potential space to offer can email Reid at

RELATED: Extra FARE gets shout-out in B.C. Legislature

RELATED: Veggies from backyard gardens get Extra FARE going

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